About Us

World Healing International is Church based ministry  proclaiming the Name and Power of Jesus Christ to the nations. In addition to conducting services globally to declare the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ, we also proclaim that King is coming through bringing awareness about the importance of praying for the peace of Jerusalem and mobilize prayer to usher in our Messiah King.




Sam & Suganthi

World Healing International Church was incorporated as non-profit church organization,  with a 501(c)(3) status in affiliation with Christ for the Nations Fellowship of Members and Churches by Sam and Suganthi in the town of Arlington, Texas. The Church started as a small group gathering for worship & intercession, raising prayer for Israel and healing as a core element of their corporate gatherings. As the ministry evolved into national and international influence, the ministry began transition and progressed into World Healing International and established their ministry center at Plymouth, MN.

Sam and Suganthi were called into the ministry with an apostolic call to declare God’s power to the nations. They founded Love of Christ Ministries in India in 2002 to provide assistance to the orphans and widows. Later it evolved to conduct pastor’s conferences, television broadcast, and healing services and also mobilize prayer for the peace of Jerusalem.

As they were faithfully fulfilling their call, God began to reveal and unfold their greater call to serve the King in Jerusalem. They moved to Israel and served in Jerusalem House of Prayer for all Nations, standing in gap for Israel and all the nations, for almost four years. Here they received the burden for the nations and a mandate to proclaim that King is coming to the world.

While serving here, God began to reveal their call to the Nation of America for an end-time awakening and revival as well. Obeying the marching orders of the Lord of Hosts, they moved from Israel to the United States in 2008 and thus launched World Healing International Church.